PL/SQL – Part 3

%ROWTYPE: Screenshot 1: Screenshot 2: Screenshot 1, We are fetching specific columns (emp_id and emp_name) from a row in the xx1195_emp table where emp_id is 101. We declare two variables (l_emp_id and l_emp_name) to hold these values separately. In the Screenshot 2, We are fetching the entire row where emp_id is 101 from the xx1195_empContinue reading “PL/SQL – Part 3”

PL/SQL – Part 1

SQL (Structured Query Language): PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language): Comparison: Types of Blocks: Named Block: Anonymous Block: Components: Declarative Section (Optional): Execution Section (BEGIN and END block): Exception Section (Optional): DBMS_OUTPUT: What it does: Allows your PL/SQL code to print and show messages. How to use: Write messages using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. Where it shows: Messages appearContinue reading “PL/SQL – Part 1”

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